How To Downsize Belongings Before a Move

Date: February 3, 2021

Moving can be a little stressful, especially when it comes to the packing part.  Downsizing your belongings and working to declutter before the move will make things go a lot smoother.  With a few easy steps and a little organization, you will be all set for your next move. If you are not moving, downsizing is also an opportunity to refresh and start new. If you get rid of the clutter, you can fill your new place with the things you really love, making it feel like home!


Plan It Out

The first step to downsizing and organizing your belongings is to make a plan and think of the things you want to keep.  As you’re deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, do one room at a time. Moving is a big job, and you don’t need to tackle it all at once. Plan to do a little bit each day, and leave extra time so you aren’t rushed. 


A good starting point is your closet.  Most people have old clothes laying around that can be donated!  For a stress-free closet cleaning, follow these steps:

Separate Items Into Groups

When you are in the process of downsizing, start in rooms that you know you will be getting rid of things.  It helps to separate your belongings into a “keep” and a “give away” pile.  It’s best to go through all of your belongings and organize them before you start packing.  You will also want to take into account the space of your new home when moving.  The more large items that you can downsize, the better.  


When going through large items, ask yourself these questions: 

Reorganize Your Belongings
Now that you have gone through and downsized your belongings, it’s time to put everything back where it belongs.  If you are moving, you can use this time to put your items you won’t be using right away into labeled boxes.  If you are not moving, it's a good idea to designate a space for everything and put it away.  This will help you feel less cluttered and more organized!

Your downsize doesn’t have to be stressful, sad, or scary. Stay positive and get excited about a simpler life in a new place with less clutter. With a little work and organization, you will be one step closer to an easy move or a clutter-free house in just a weekend!